The Baker's Box

The Bakers Box is a bakery & sandwich shop off Kanuga in Hendersonville - not too far from downtown. They’re in a plaza; so there’s parking right out front of the shop - no need to walk around Hendo looking like a lost puppy trying to find a spot; or a very distinguished/disgruntled dog in its 30’a that has years of pent up anger and emotional baggage that can’t commit. 

- wait - I’m not sure if I’m still talking about parking spots. Well, whatever - there’s plenty of parking; which makes it a great place to pull in and grab a some foodstuff before heading into the office, cemetery, Petco... wherever you’re off to really. 

I had actually gone to The Bakers Box with the intent on getting a bowl of veggie soup - because I had the sniffles (yes - phantoms get sick, sadly) but couldn’t pass up one of their sandwiches after I saw fun names like “Triple Falls”, and “Graveyard Fields”, etc (the names of local nature attractions). 

So not only do they have a pretty large selection of baked goods in their case like whole pies, cupcakes, muffins, cake, scones they also have like a zillion types sandwiches, wraps, salad options, and - of course, soup!

I ordered a  DuPont State Forest Sandwich (one of my fave places to bring the pup and check out waterfalls, btw). Plus, a Lemonade to drink and Bread Pudding dessert to take home. The nice man behind the counter (possibly the owner?) bagged it all up for me and even snuck in a fork and some extra napkins and gave me some tips on how to heat up the bread pudding so it was even more super noms. 

I actually had a few minutes to kill before work (and it will be a cold day in hell when you see me arrive any earlier than five minutes late), so sat out on their patio, hung out with the bats - and enjoyed half my sammy. 

The sandwich itself was super thick and salty; with three slices of bread, veggies - and an abundance of cold cuts. Plus; it came with a side of potato salad that tasted homemade, made with those little red potatoes (you can also get pasta salad instead). The pickles that came on the side were also yum; very sweet and tasty, home made like as well.

It was so great to have leftovers too - so I could take a few hours more to eat my leftover lunch at work. I like to take a large bite of my meal right before a guest walks in; so I’m mid chew as they enter the door - shoot them a seething look of disgust as I take waaayyy too long to finish my bite and then whisper (with just the right amount of annoyance in my tone) “oh... wow you caught me *right* in the middle of my lunch”. I find that with this approach to customer service people are a *lot* less likely to bother me with silly redundant questions like “What time is check out?”, “May I please have the WiFi password?”, or “Can you tell me how to get to my room?” 

So anyway- I suggest grabbing one of The Bakers Box’s Togo menus or checking out their menu online; so you can just run in and pick up your order before work. Or, if you’re not in the mood to cook dinner, it’s a great place to grab a meal and dessert after work, too - since they’re open till 6 during the week! 

PS; the bread pudding was SO delish heated up at home. It was the perfect consistency and very moist - total comfort food! Next time I’ll be getting the Soup, Sandwich - and a dessert.

Update 6.1.24 The Baker's Box is now a sit down restaurant (what?!). They've also moved their location to Asheville Hwy. 

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